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Checklist for Coaches by Ron Hendrie

Are you diligent when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of your athletes?


o  I am careful to make sure that the goal posts are properly anchored.

o  I am careful to make sure that fields are safe and free of holes, drains, irrigation devices, glass, ruts, or other hazards, etc.

o  I am careful about accounting for all of my athletes' attendance and whereabouts.

o  I am careful to make sure that kids are always being supervised.

o  I am careful to never lend out equipment for athletes to use unsupervised.

o  I am careful to make sure that equipment is in good working order.

o  I am careful about mismatches in size and strength (ie.: no U10 vs. U12 scrimmages, no coach shooting at the kids)

o  I am careful not to expose athletes to lightning, excessive heat or cold

o  I am careful about adjusting the intensity of my practice to account for factors such as: excessive heat, cold or fatigue, etc.

o  I am careful about providing ample access to water for hydration

o  I am careful about keeping accurate records of training, injuries and first aid rendered.

o  I am careful about providing only the first aid that I am certified to give and seeking expertise for anything more.

o  I am careful about staying up-to-date with best practices of coaching and techniques of the sport.

o  I am careful about not overtraining the athletes, being sure to give them adequate periods of rest, and balancing intense                   practice periods with recovery periods during each practice, during the week, and during the season.

o  I am careful about providing correct - and developmentally timely - instruction for the safe application of the techniques of the sport.

o  I am careful about being attentive during practice (for example: no texting, no conversations with parents, etc.).

o  I am careful about staying certified in first aid, AED, CPR, and concussion management

o  I am careful about strictly abiding by the club, league or school policies such as concussion management, "real feel heat                 index", reconditioning, permission slips, medical health history forms, physical exams, and medical clearance.

o  I am careful about ensuring that athletes have a safe ride home from games and practices, and that they have signed                       permission slips for rides with other parents. I am careful NOT to permit them to ride with student drivers.

o  I am careful to never be alone with an athlete especially in an isolated location.

o  I am careful about appropriate language and touch.




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